Semnarea unui contract semnificativ
Precast reinforced concrete and prestressed
S.C. PREBET AIUD S.A. is the sole producer of an entire range of ferro-concrete and prestressed concrete prefabs for communication ways, railway and causeway.
The products technical and technological levels are well within national standards. Also, the equipment technology and the technological appliances were designed to meet the demands and the highest quality standards.
Along the years, S.C PREBET AIUD S.A has been in close co-operation with Romanian engineers for an ongoing improvement of both products technical level and production technology. The industrial unit has a long-lasting tradition in manufacturing and commercializing prestressed ferro-concrete and concrete prefabs intended for railway and prefabricate beton armat causeway constructions.
Prefabricated elements for railway
Railway concrete sleepers, Railway roof girders, Pipe culvert prefabs ,Slab culvert prefabs, Support and protection prefabs, Prefabs for rolling stock revision channel
Causeway structure elements
Viaduct girders, Pipe culvert prefabs, Slab culvert prefabs, Support and protection prefabs, Other concrete prefabs for roadworks, in several sizes